Nem akart kövér menyasszony lenni, 60 kilót fogyott: így sikerült leadnia a túlsúlyát

A pozitív gondolkodás segítette a legjobban Jennifert a sikeres fogókúrában.

Jennifer fogyástörténete
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A 27 éves, liverpooli Jennifer Ginley 2015-ben kezdett fogyókúrázni. 122 kilóról indult. Akkoriban még toldót kellett használnia a biztonsági övéhez a repülőn, és ellentétben a legtöbb lánnyal, arra biztatta a barátját, hogy ne kérje meg a kezét, mert nem akart kövér menyasszony lenni. Most 61 kiló, férjnél van, és Instagram-oldala közel 200 ezer fogyni vágyót inspirál.

Jennifer étrendje javarészt kekszekből, csokikból, zsíros ételekből, kínai gyorskajákból és szénsavas üdítőkből állt. Állítása szerint már rengetegszer bukott bele a fogyókúrába, mielőtt sikert ért el. Ez is azt mutatja, hogy nem szabad feladni.

#mondaymotivation Well done to anyone beginning their weight loss journey now, it will be the most worthwhile and incredible thing you'll ever do. After that picture on the left was taken in January 2015 it took me four more months of comfort eating and trying to 'diet' before walking through the doors of my @slimmingworld class. If you scroll down my page I've wrote about different parts of my journey under each transformation picture. 💙 My journey in a nutshell - I'm 5 foot 5 ", without exercise I lost 9 stone 1.5 lb in one year, I went on to lose a little more in the following couple of months and my overall loss is currently 9 stone 11 lb. I went from a size 24/26 to and 8/10 in one year purely with food optimising 💫 I want to give you all a little warning that I wish I'd of had - do NOT compare yourself to anyone. Especially if you are following SW instagrams for guidance and inspiration, even more so if you're new to SW. Do NOT compare your food intake to target members who have changed their relationship with food, and are smaller so have different nutritional needs! I posted EVERY single thing I ate from joining for 18 months (May 15 - Nov 16). If you scroll back you'll see that after weigh in I'd have a high syn treat for the first couple of months and I ate lots more food. Your needs change and your intake adapts. When you start don't look at extra easy SP, don't reduce your intake when you remain hungry, if you want a huge bowl of pasta, a huge jacket potato or 15 syns a day have them!! Don't worry that others aren't eating the same way. TRUST the plan and adapt it to your own needs. Food optimising is bloody brilliant, the free food, unlimited concept is revolutionary for us food lovers. Just do as it asks and fill yourself up of speed free foods first. With a big bowl or pasta have lots of veggies/salad; same with any other meal. @slimmingworld turned me (a notorious weight loss failure) into a person who trusted themselves with food and it gave me a new healthy relationship with food. Take it one day at a time and remember WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS 💫💪 I know you can do it!! 😏❤

Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan 🌱 (@slimmingworld_jsg) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Jennifer azt írja, a fenti kép után még négy hónapnak kellett eltelnie, hogy rászánja magát a komoly diétára. "Amikor azon kaptam magam, hogy 54-es méretű ruhákat veszek a nyaraláshoz, akkor tudtam, hogy változtatnom kell." A nyaralás közben ez az érzés csak fokozódott a lányban, és a csúcspontját akkor érte el, amikor meglátta magát a vakáció során készült fotókon.

#transformationtuesday Left - January 2015 feeling so uncomfortable and unhappy. A few pounds away from my heaviest weight, four months before joining @slimmingworld 😞 Right - August 2016 feeling so comfortable and happy in my own skin, confident ahead of walking down the aisle as my best friend's bridesmaid 👸 🔹 The physical change feels crazy, I sometimes double take at my own reflection, my mind still hasn't caught up! BUT the biggest change is my MIND! I now actually believe myself when I say 'I will.....'. I've never been so proud of myself, I could literally write a book on my weight loss attempts. I got to the point where food had to be ruled out, in my mind that was the only logic, I had no control!! What do you think I done after Cambridge weight plan, lighterlife and celebrity slim? Binged and gained more weight! THAT is not normality and it was reinforcing my belief that I had NO control. Forget DIETS, join SW and food optimise your way to a strong mind and health boy! 💫 🔹 SW is a revelation and it made me trust myself with food. There were times I genuinely thought I'd never be capable, I hated my false promises of starting a diet every Monday, much more than I hated how I looked. 😥 🔹 Plus I spent one year socialising all whilst gaining this new me! I didn't become happy once I reached target, I became happier with every single day of my journey. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes time to go from self destruction mode to WILLPOWER of steel but you CAN DO IT! Seriously if you knew the old me you'd believe me when I told you if I can anyone can. I'm 5 foot 5, I was 19 stone 4 lb, I'm now HALF that (9 stone 9 lb!) and got here without exercising. Find me a better food plan that food optimising?! I think you'll find yourself unable. HAPPY TUESDAY BEAUTIFUL HUMANS! Have a GREAT day on plan, flex that will power and go to bed proud of yourself ❣️ 🔹 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation

Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan 🌱 (@slimmingworld_jsg) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Jennifer teljesen új fényben kezdte látni saját magát. Rájött, hogy tönkretette az egészségét. Az étrendje rettenetes volt. Például soha nem reggelizett, és soha nem készített ebédet magának a munkahelyére. Mindig azt evett, amit éppen talált. Többnyire rendelős vagy gyorsételeken élt.

Úgy véli, a legnagyobb változást a pozitív gondolkodás hozta a fogyókúrájában. De persze az étrendjén is alakított. Sok friss gyümölcsöt és zöldséget iktatott be, napi legalább ötször étkezett, és odafigyelt a mennyiségekre is.

#mondaymotivation Photo on the left - March 2015, photo on the right - last Friday! A much healthier, happier, confident version of myself!! All thanks to @slimmingworld and my commitment to change! 💖 19 stone 4 lb ➡️ 9 stone 9 lb Size 24/26 ➡️ size 8/10 No control ➡️ control Fake smiles ➡️ true happiness I never dreamed I'd be confident enough to go out wearing a crop top! Your dreams really can be achieved if you try every single day. Losing weight is a mental battle and it is not easy at all! Very difficult but achievable. I spent years thinking I'd be overweight forever as I failed countless times. The evening of that before picture I had ripped that size 24 skirt as it was too tight, last weekend I had room in my size 8 skirt! I'm SO proud of myself and the cherry on he cake is that I've shared my whole journey and could possibly inspire others to believe in themselves! On Saturday I was voted Miss Slinky by my class members, that term makes me smile but it is SO true! It's great to now know as a young girl I can dress for my fashion sense, not to hide myself! I definitely feel confident and Slinky thanks to SW ❣️ It doesn't happen overnight but it does happen if you put in the effort daily. WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS 💪👗👌 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#achievedtarget#weighinresults#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#greatestloser2016#womanoftheyear2016#missslinky#losthalfmybodyweight#weightlossblogger#weightlosstip#thisgirlcan#missslinky2016

Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan 🌱 (@slimmingworld_jsg) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A fogyókúrája előtt nem hitt magában. Nagy változást hozott az életében, hogy végre a kezébe vette a súlya fölötti kontrollt, és ez a barátjával való kapcsolatát is gyökeresen átalakította.

Nem akart kövér menyasszony lenni

Régen sokszor jártak el éttermekbe, és a gyorskaja olyan volt nekik, akár egy közös hobbi. Ráadásul Jennifer nem azért rágta a párja fülét, hogy vegye már feleségül, hanem épp ellenkezőleg, mert nem akart oltár elé állni 120 kilósan. Ez is megváltozott, amint elbúcsúzott a túlsúlytól.

A little #trasformationtuesday on this wonderful Wednesday morning 😄 Left - January 2015 in Florida, coming to then end of a two week Christmas holiday. I cried seeing my belly in those shorts. 😞 Right - Saturday just gone. Less than 16 months after starting @slimmingworld I WEIGH what I have LOST! 😬💃 On that left picture I was thinking 'as soon as I'm home I need to go on a diet'. I had that New Years resolution for what felt like my whole life. I had been 'on a diet' since I was about 15. I gained weight year in, year out. The stricter I was on myself the bigger I'd fail. I had spent two weeks feeling the biggest I'd ever felt, it dawned on me how bad things were and how bad my relationship with food was. I was a size 24/26, I actually had one pair of size 28 shorts I wore that holiday. I had to use the 'adjusted' seats on the rides and I couldn't even fit on some; humiliating doesn't even cover it. I had done that to myself?! I was a comfort eater and generally was out of control with food. 😔 After 4 months of trying to 'diet', in May 2015 I joined @slimmingworld with a new attitude; fix your issues with food, start cooking, get a routine, change your ways and stay positive! My attitude was different. I didn't go 'on a diet', I switched the balance of my diet, the healthy choices outweighed the indulgences. 👌 Rather than focussing solely on results as I had before, I focussed on change, those small changes in me; saying no to food, planning indulgences and remaining in control. I'm still impressed with myself to this day when I make the best choices and resist temptation. Focussing on change meant the results came week in, week out. I flex that willpower muscle every single day. 💪 Purely with food optimising I lost 9 stone in 1 year. I've gone on to lose a further 9 lbs to reach my final target. One of the highlights?! Fitting in the wonderful size 6 and 8 vintage dresses (like the one above) I have owned for so long! I finally feel like the happy, young, confident girl I should! Also a bonus that I no longer weigh more than my 6ft 5 boyfriend. I've kept him on the pictures simply because he is divine 😍. If I can achieve this, know that you can too. 💘

Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan 🌱 (@slimmingworld_jsg) által megosztott bejegyzés,

 "A barátom, Luke és én 11 éve vagyunk együtt, és régen mindig azért nyúztam, hogy ne kérje meg a kezemet, mert nem tudtam elképzelni magamat menyasszonyként, amikor még akkora voltam."

Honoured to have been featured by @slimmingworldusa again! This is one transformation pic that gets me really emotional. That before picture was taken in June in 2015 in Morocco. I had lost 1 stone in 4 weeks ahead of going there, so I am not at my heaviest. Myself and @lukehagan89 went to Morocco for our ten year anniversary, so many people said Luke would propose when we there. I absolutely knew he wouldn’t. I had always said marriage ‘weren’t for me’, despite knowing exactly what my dream dress would be and knowing exactly how our wedding would look. I always put Luke off and didn’t elude to ever wanting to be married, I made comments like we’d have to own our house first etc. It was all lies, I dreamed of the day I married Luke. I just I knew I couldn’t get married when I was unhappy with myself. Mentally there was so much going on for me at my heaviest. It was a battle. Marriage is just a bonus when you are in a completely joyous and beautiful relationship anyway. Luke had shown me undying love since we were 15 years old, as I did him. I just always knew how I wanted to look and feel on my wedding day. I lost weight for me, my health (mental and physical) and my happiness. When Luke proposed to me in December 2016 I had achieved my dream weight 6 months prior. I was LIVING my best life. I said yes without hesitation and sobbed, not once did worry enter my head, no bridal diet required. I was so content. We planned our wedding in 6 weeks. The last thing we got?! My dress! Just two days before our wedding I had my final fitting as my beautiful @pronovias size 10 gown had to be taken in, in quite a few places. That gown was shipped over last minute. There was one left, It was like it was waiting for me? I have never and probably will never feel as beautiful as I did on our wedding day. Walking towards Luke down that aisle and seeing his face is something that gives me butterflies at the very thought. It was indescribable. If you have a long way to go to achieve your dreams don’t let that discourage you. Get started, the time will pass anyway. Don’t exist with your dreams as only thoughts. I promise you, you can do it. 🌈🦋

Jennifer Sandra Ginley-Hagan 🌱 (@slimmingworld_jsg) által megosztott bejegyzés,

"Nagyjából egy éven belül elértem a 61 kilós álomsúlyomat, és abban az évben karácsonykor Luke végre megkérte a kezemet! Hihetetlenül jó érzés volt úgy igent mondani neki, hogy közben egy percig sem gondoltam a súlyomra."

A cikk az ajánló után folytatódik

Segítünk megtalálni a legjobbat!

A Vitaminkalkulátorunk 9 egyszerű kérdéssel több mint negyven vitaminunk közül ajánl két olyan terméket, amik céljaidnak leginkább megfelelnek. Figyelembe vesszük a fizikai aktivitást, étkezési szokásokat és érzékenységeket, hogy a legjobb döntést hozhasd. Tudjuk, hogy könnyű elveszni a részletek közt, de mi itt vagyunk, hogy segítsünk!


Ők is nagy túlsúlytól szabadultak meg

A tavalyi év döbbenetes fogyásai is azt bizonyítják, hogy nincs lehetetlen, ha az ember igazán elszánja magát.

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